The Bright Side of Final Exams - Silicon Valley High School

Final exams can be stressful, and it is easy to lose hope when you’re feeling overwhelmed. School is not always so fun, and what comes after? A full-time adult job? That doesn’t sound very exciting either, but you can make it be! Finally getting to graduate high-school and eventually college means that you can be free to focus on your career. Being able to provide for yourself is a very rewarding experience since you no longer have to ask permission for anything. If you want it, you’ve got it! This is the bright side to school: one day it ends, and you get to reap the benefits of all of your hard work!

Independence comes with its stressors, but the good definitely outweighs the bad. Being able to achieve financial independence is a great thing and it will give you a sense of pride and empowerment. When you’re accustomed to having your parents handle the everyday aspects of your life such as meal prep and important paperwork, it can be a tough transition at first. However, being overly dependent often causes more anxiety than being self-sufficient. Why? Well, this is because no one wants to feel like a burden to anyone, and the older we get, the more we crave independence. It is human nature to thrive and it can be very frustrating when one is not able to do so for whatever reason.

Work experience can also help facilitate the absorption of valuable life skills that can’t be learned in school. Once young people join the workforce, they acquire additional skills that can improve their abilities as a contributing member of society. They can learn how best to work with people and hone in on effective communication skills. Plus, receiving a paycheck for providing a service means that your skills are marketable, and this knowledge can be used for future job opportunities and to beef up your resume. The things you learn may not always link up with what you desire to do, however, skills such as being reliable and taking initiative are essential in any field.

In school, it can be quite difficult to pinpoint the value of our studies. When you are out in the world, you feel as if you are a part of something bigger, something more meaningful. Whether your aim is to help make someone’s day easier by providing customer support, writing an informative column in a newspaper, or coming up with the concept for a product or service that will help a lot of people, being a part of the workforce means something.

Try not to become discouraged. The world seems like a big, scary place but there are so many opportunities, people to meet, and skills to be learned post-high-school and college. There are an abundance of resources and new and exciting possibilities just waiting to be discovered. Go out and seize them! When finals season looms around the corner, don’t despair! You are just one step closer to contributing to this world in a way that only you can.