Don't Let School Get In The Way Of Your Summer!
Yes, our courses are available for online summer school. Yippee! Studying is much more fun than lazing around on the beach. OK, the beach is fun, but our courses are self-paced, video-based and teacher-supported, so you can schedule your studying around your summer plan—and earn high school credits. SVHS credits are accepted by the University of California (see the courses accepted by University of California under the A-G program), and because SVHS is an accredited school, our credits are usually accepted by other high schools. We provide you with an official transcript of your completed courses that can be merged onto your school transcript.
Our school is fully accredited, our online summer school courses are approved by the NCAA, University of California and other organizations.
High school students in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 can take our online summer school classes.
Affordable Price: 5 Credits - $125
SVHS provides high school students enrolled in other schools or home schooled students with innovative, relevant and compelling online summer school courses. Jump ahead or catch up on credits for graduation.
Our courses are designed to meet the common core curriculum and course sections are mapped to the relevant academic standards. All of our online summer school courses are supported by experienced, credentialed and certified teachers who answer questions, grade assignments and provide guidance and feedback online.
Our online summer school courses are self-paced to accommodate each student’s needs and ensure a smooth online summer learning experience. With SVHS, students work at their own speed and have the ability to complete their online high school courses in time for graduation. They are available online 365 days a year and students can start at any time. Courses can be bought in bulk through our shopping cart or purchased individually one at a time.
Many students prefer watching videos to reading textbooks and we use video wherever we can in our online summer school classes. Videos are sometimes fun to watch and we find them to be more engaging for students in our online summer school courses. If you’re taking a course like English, you’re going to have to read a book, but each unit of each course usually includes a video, a quiz, some reading material, and an assignment. We do try to make the assignments as well as the videos as interesting and entertaining as possible to ensure an enjoyable online learning experience.
Self-Paced Summer Program
Our summer program does not have start dates or fixed class schedules, so you can study when it suits you. You set your own schedule. If you want to work out in the morning, you can do your studying in the afternoon or the evening. Our summer program is entirely self-paced, making our credit recovery courses some of the most flexible online courses you can take.
As you can see from our statistics (where blue means students are taking courses, and darker blue means more students), we see that students choose to study at all hours of the day or night. Some students are night owls and others are early birds. They certainly don’t all work traditional school hours. By setting your own study schedule, your online summer school classes don’t have to interfere too much with your summer activities.
In fact, if you have a laptop, or tablet, or any device with a web browser that you can carry around, you aren’t restricted from studying at your desk. You could work on your summer courses from your home, a coffee shop, the pool, or wherever you learn best.
The self-paced arrangement of our online summer school courses means that you can take them as quickly or as slowly as you like. It’s important to note that all courses require a minimum of 30 days of enrollment, so you won’t get access to the final exam before then. If you want to spread your studying out or take multiple courses at the same time, you have up to 12 months to complete a course.

As you can see from our statistics above (where blue means students are taking courses, and darker blue means more students), we see that students choose to study at all hours of the day or night. Some students are night owls and others are early birds. They certainly don’t all work traditional school hours. By setting your own study schedule, your courses don’t have to interfere too much with your summer activities.
In fact, if you have a laptop, or tablet, or any device with a web browser that you can carry around, you aren’t restricted from studying at your desk. You could study from your home, a coffee shop, the pool, or wherever you learn best.
The self-paced arrangement means that you can take the course as quickly or as slowly as you like. If you want to finish the course asap, you can commit the study hours and complete most courses in as little as 30 days. If you want to spread your studying out, or take multiple courses at the same time, you have up to 12 months to complete a course (and can request an extension if you need more time).
When you enroll in an online summer school course, you’ll get a message from your teacher. Your teacher is not a bot or some artificial intelligence machine—it’s a real-life person, a credentialed teacher, who, like you is working on a computer. You can ask a question at any time, by submitting an online form. The teacher receives an email with your question and responds quickly, usually within 24 hours (can take longer at weekends and holidays).
When you submit your assignment, it is graded by the teacher. Together with your grade, the teacher gives you some positive feedback and guidance. SVHS is an accredited online school with credentialed teachers supporting all the courses offered.
With this arrangement, it’s not necessary to be online at the same time as the teacher, and that’s how we can make our courses entirely self-paced. Having said that, for some language courses, like Spanish, where you occasionally have to actually speak to a teacher through video-conference, you’ll need to coordinate your schedule with the teachers’—to make sure you’re both able to meet up online.
Simple Step-by-Step Flow
We made our online summer school classes very simple to follow. You start at unit 1, watch a video, take a quiz, do some reading and submit an assignment. After this, you can move on to unit 2 which follows the same process. When you’ve completed all the units, your final appears and you’re then able to take the final exam. Many students that have taken online courses elsewhere have told us they really appreciate this simple step-by-step flow. It’s not difficult to see where you are and what you need to do next—once you’ve completed a step, you can see that it’s been checked off.
SVHS is accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) anjd COGNIA (formerly AdvancED, operating the NCA CASI, NWAC and SACS CASI accrediting bodies).
SVHS online summer school courses are approved by organizations like the University of California (A-G Program), and NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association).
Sign Up Now
Yes, you can enroll now, but because our courses are all available 24×7, 365 days a year, you can sign up whenever you like even during the school year while enrolled full time in another school.
Do school your way and choose the winning online solution with SVHS. Find and explore our online summer classes for high school students through our online catalog here.
Summer Transcripts
If your school requires your summer school courses to be reported on our transcripts as “Summer Semester,” the Final Exam will need to be completed during our Summer Semester and not your own School’s summer semester. Starting 2023-24, our summer semester dates are June 1 to August 31.
Note – the summer semester is short and very busy. You must have submitted all the course assignments in full (i.e., all parts of the assignment are complete and the directions have been followed) on or before August 14th to ensure a summer transcript.
Questions about our online summer school classes? Click the FAQ link at the bottom of the web page, or chat with us using the chat box at the bottom right of your browser window for more information and support.
Course Information
Price: Single Semester Course—$125
Course Syllabus: Available for each course
Enroll Anytime: First, create an SVHS account & check with your school to see if they will accept our courses
Summer Semester Dates:
Jun. 1 -Aug. 31
Course Enrollment Period:
Maximum one year, minimum 30 days.
= NCAA approved.
University of California: As an accredited school, SVHS is recognized as an Online School by the University of California under the A-G Program.
NCAA Approval: SVHS coursework meets National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) nontraditional core-course legislation,
76,041 Enrolled Students