Policies - Silicon Valley High School

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Policies for Full-Time/Diploma students are incorporated by reference here. Also the SVHS Privacy Policy is incorporated by reference here.

Our mission is to provide quality, personalized, affordable and ever-improving educational paths for all students to pursue their ambitions.

SVHS is operated by Silicon Valley High School Inc., a Corporation incorporated in the state of Delaware with headquarters in Nevada. For the purposes of this Agreement, we refer to Silicon Valley High School Inc. as ‘SVHS’, ‘us’ or ‘we’. Similarly, this Agreement may refer to you as ‘you’, ‘member’, ‘student”, ‘user’, or ‘viewer’.

You must read, agree with and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in our Terms of Use Agreement and the Privacy Policy, which include those terms and conditions expressly set out below and those incorporated by reference, before you may become a student or access this Site.

SVHS had adopted various policies that guide how the school operates today and in the future.

College Board Code

Our college board code is 290023. Please note that the college board code changed when the school was moved from California to Nevada.

NCAA High School Code

The SVHS NCAA code is 851733.

Grading Policy

In order to pass an SVHS course, you need at least 60% for the course total. If you are unable to earn a passing score, you will be deemed to fail that particular course. The course total includes grades from lesson quizzes, unit tests, unit assignments and the final exam.

Once the final has been completed, the course is finished and the grade is locked in. It cannot be changed.

All coursework is required and we do not give zeros on assignments. Students will not have access to the final until all work is complete and graded, and this applies to all assignments. SVHS does not round grades up. However, before taking the final, students can revise their assignments and retake quizzes to boost their grades.


SVHS uses and reports an unweighted GPA calculation only.

Suggested Timelines and Grading Timescales

SVHS teachers grade assignments in the order that they are submitted: first in/first out. SVHS provides a Suggested Timeline with each course, so students can stay on track and complete the course within an 18-week semester. The student can create his/her own timeline from here, based on the target date for completion. During the first part of the semester, grading usually takes 2-3 working days, so this usually means that an assignment submitted on a Friday will be graded by the following Tuesday or Wednesday. However, when students fall behind and attempt to catch up by submitting multiple assignments toward the end of the semester, the number of assignments queued up for grading can grow significantly. The teachers will grade the assignments as quickly as possible, but in the event that a large number of students attempt to rush through the assignments at the end of the semester, the time for grading can take 7-10 days, or even longer depending on the volume of last-minute assignments submitted. For that reason, each course starts with a notice that all assignments should be completed at least 2 weeks before the student wishes to take the final and complete the course.

All SVHS courses are self-paced, so students on an end-of-semester timeline have to pace themselves and make sure they are prompt in submitting their assignments. Submitting multiple assignments at the end of the semester is certainly not recommended for students on a deadline.  Students looking to complete the course before a certain date should refer to the Suggested Timeline for the course and make sure that assignments are not left to the end of the semester.

Semesters Printed on Transcripts & Summer School Considerations

Courses that are completed (the course is completed when the final is submitted) between September 1st to January 14th will be marked as the ‘Fall” semester.  Those completed between January 15th and May 31st will be marked as the “Spring” semester.  While those completed between June 1st and August 31st will be marked as the “Summer” semester.  Note for summer school students: if your school requires courses to be completed during the Summer semester, you must have completed the SVHS course on or before August 14th.  To allow for teachers to grade your assignments, you will want to have all your assignments submitted before the end of July.

Fall Semester – Sep 1 to Jan 14

Spring Semester – Jan 15 to May 31

Summer Semester – Jun 1 to Aug 31


Each credit corresponds to 15 hours of study.

Types of Students

SVHS serves various types of students, including:

  • Full-Time/Diploma Students–SVHS is the primary high school for these students who are working toward earning a high school diploma from SVHS.
  • Supplemental Students–SVHS provides courses to students who are enrolled full-time in another high school, and are taking courses with SVHS to supplement their credits.  SVHS is not the primary school of record for these students.
  • Adult Students–all youth between the ages of 8 and 18 are required to attend school every day. This is not the case for Adult Students who are over the age of 18.

Time to Complete a Course

You have up to 12 months to complete a course from the date that you enroll, so that’s the maximum time you have to take the course.  If you dedicate sufficient time and energy to completing a course, you can accelerate your way through the materials. Students must be enrolled in a course for a minimum of 30 days before they can take the final exam.

Minimum Computer Skills & Digital Literacy

In order to effectively navigate the courses for SVHS online learning platform, students need a basic knowledge of tasks that involve uploading assignment submissions, downloading course documents, viewing recorded presentations, and communicating through the school account. Students need basic web literacy that may involve utilizing search engines, evaluating web resources and understanding copyright and plagiarism in a digital learning environment.

Communication Etiquette

Netiquette is a code of conduct or polite behavior that is expected in an online communication format that includes, but is not limited to, emails, social media, online chat, website comments, and other types of online communication. Below is a list of Do’s and Don’ts for SVHS Netiquette:


  • Use a professional and respectful tone when communicating with your instructor via email or other electronic communication.
  • Properly identify yourself and the course you are taking.
  • Be specific and to the point in your communication and be specific as to what you are requesting.
  • Be thorough and specific in all written assignments.
  • Use respect with colleagues on discussion boards and collaborative assignments.
  • Practice academic and intellectual integrity.
  • Treat people the way you want to be treated when communicating in the online world.


  • Don’t expect an instant response on e-mails and grades. Our customer service staff will endeavor to respond as quickly as possible, and will refer questions to your instructor, but the response is not instantaneous. We have customer service staff every day of the week, but the instructors often take time off at the weekend.
  • Don’t WRITE IN ALL CAPS, as this is considered to be shouting in the online world.
  • Don’t use texting language in the academic world.

Offensive Language:

  • Communication from a student containing profanity, offensive, disrespectful or insulting language is inappropriate and SVHS will suspend a student, unenroll the student from all SVHS courses and will not provide a transcript for a student that exhibits such offensive behavior.  The same applies to students who threaten or insult SVHS teachers, members of staff or other students.

Students are required communicate appropriately for a school environment. The following are not allowed in any school communication, including but not limited to assignment submission contents:

  • Anything with obscene words or pictures, ethnic or religious slurs, sexually suggestive statements or promotions of illegal activities including the use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
  • Display of colors/symbols/paraphernalia connected to gang- related activities.

Statement about Dress:
Students are expected to dress in a manner that reflects the professionalism and decorum of the school environment in any video submissions or Zoom sessions.


What constitutes a reasonable or inappropriate amount is left to the discretion of the SVHS Administration.

Consequences may include referral to Head of School, notification of parent, school counselor or other school staff, rejection of assignment, with or without possibility of revision, or result in being dismissed and unenrolled from the course or entire program.

Sequential Courses

We recommend, when taking sequential courses, such as Algebra 1 Part 1 and Algebra 1 Part 2, that you complete the first course before you take the subsequent course. This is a recommendation, not a requirement. As a supplemental student, you can take part 1 with your home school, or with another school and take part 2 with SVHS.

Revised Transcript Policy

Once issued, transcripts cannot be revised unless evidence is provided to indicate that the transcript is materially inaccurate. A student with such evidence can petition for a transcript revision. The teacher of the course and school registrar will then review the transcript to determine its accuracy, consulting with the school principal where necessary. The registrar will be responsible for issuing a revised transcript where it is deemed appropriate.

Repeat Courses Policy

Students who have taken courses with other schools, can take a course on the same topic with SVHS. However, students cannot retake an SVHS course. Once the course is completed, the grade is locked in and cannot be changed. 

Supplemental Students: Attendance Policy

The courses are online and self-paced, so you are not required to attend any particular session at any particular time. However, you are required to complete each section of each course and pass each of the quiz tests in order to qualify for graduation.

Supplemental Students: Leave-of-Absence Policy

If you complete part of a course, but are unable to continue with the course, you can withdraw from the course and trigger the Refund Procedures.

Supplemental Students: Payment Terms

Students are required to pay for each course upon enrollment. Payment is tendered online via Stripe or students can be enrolled manually by our staff. In many cases, we will accept purchase orders from schools and other institutions.

Financial Aid Policy

SVHS does not provide or arrange financial aid for students. SVHS programs are priced at such a point that students are expected to arrange their own financing.

Supplemental Students: Refund Procedures

Upon timely notice and cancellation of a course, depending on how much of the course has been completed you are possibly eligible for a pro-rata refund from SVHS. Notice is considered timely when received by SVHS within 30 days of your initial enrollment in the course. If you provide notice of cancellation of the course and a request for a refund within 30 days of enrollment, depending on how far you have progressed through the course, you may be eligible for a refund. Your right to cancel and claim a refund expires 30 days after the initial course enrollment.

If you wish to withdraw from a course, please submit a request using the Contact Us form on our website informing SVHS that you request immediate withdrawal from such course. Your notice of cancellation and withdrawal from such course will be effective when you successfully submit the request. SVHS administration staff will unenroll you from such a course, and you will no longer have access to the course materials online.

Supplemental Students: Refund Calculations—Self-Paced Courses

A course comprises a number of sections. A section comprises a heading, videos, and other learning materials, quizzes, a unit test, and an assignment. Your progress through the course, and each section of the course, is tracked in the SVHS online learning management system, and this data will be used to determine which sections of the course you have accessed. If you have accessed less than 10% of the sections of a course, you will be eligible for a full (100%) refund. If you have accessed between 10% and 60% of the sections of a course, you will be eligible for a pro-rata refund. So, by way of illustration, if you have accessed 30% of the sections of a course, you will be eligible for a 70% refund. Once you have accessed more than 60% of the sections in a course, you are no longer eligible for a refund on that course.


You must provide 48 hour notice for cancellation of a scheduled tutoring session. Otherwise, you will be charged for the session.


Should you be eligible for a refund, SVHS will pay or credit the refund to you within 30 days.

Supplemental Students: Dropped Courses

You can drop a course at any time before you have completed the final and your grade has been issued. Dropped courses do not appear on your transcript from SVHS.  Refunds are not available for dropped courses.

Student-to-Teacher Ratio Policy

The ratio of teachers to students shall be sufficient for teachers to respond promptly to student submissions and for teachers to provide meaningful feedback to students throughout all stages of the course and learning process. It is recognized that SVHS courses are self-paced, and students are never required to attend a class at any particular point in time; student participation is spread throughout the day and throughout the semester–some students like to work in the mornings, others in the afternoons and evenings. Teachers are never required to address all students of a class at the same time, and the ratio of students to teachers in this learning environment is very different from that of a traditional brick-and-mortar school.

Disruption Policy

A student who disrupts a class to the extent that other students are prevented from pursuing their studies will be placed on probation, and a subsequent repeat of such disruption will lead to the student being unenrolled from the course or the entire program. Dismissal will act as notice of cancellation and withdrawal from such course and will trigger the SVHS Refund Procedures.

Identity Authentication & Login Credentials

In order to access all SVHS course materials, you will create a log-in account with your own unique username and a secure password containing special characters. Each time you log in to the SVHS learning management system, you will be required to use these username/password login credentials.

Your progress through the SVHS courses, and your scores in the course tests, are tracked to your login credentials. Keep your password under strict security. Under no circumstances should you share your login credentials with another student or anyone else.

Because we are providing you with a certificate of completion when you complete this course, we need to authenticate that you are taking the course yourself. Our courses are online, and we don’t see you face-to-face, but we still need to check that you are who you say you are. The way you type is unique. You may be required to authenticate via our Typed Signature biometric authentication system, which studies your typing pattern to verify your identity before you take quizzes, tests, and finals.

Policy Supporting Students with Disabilities

SVHS is committed to supporting students with disabilities. Visually impaired students can use screen readers with text-to-speech software to read written text out loud. Closed captioning is usually available to the hearing impaired when watching the course videos. SVHS self-paced courses are designed to accommodate students needing more time to master the materials and complete the course successfully. SVHS will do what it can to accommodate students with disabilities within the constraints of the SVHS learning management system.

For further information and accessibility statements, please see this page explaining how we support students with disabilities.

Individualized Education Program (IEP) Policy

You will see that our courses and programs are self-paced and flexible to adapt to a variety of learning styles, but we are a private school, not part of any public school system, and SVHS is not required to formulate or implement IEP’s.

Accommodations are built into every course automatically. SVHS classes are designed to meet many accommodations for 504 and IEP students! Our courses are asynchronous and video-based, so our students can pause, rewind, and rewatch lessons at any time. We highly recommend that students take notes while they watch the lessons; then, they can use their notes during the unit tests! We provide a suggested timeline to help students stay organized and on track. They can also use software like text-to-speech, speech-to-text, spelling and grammar checkers, and calculators. And, students can retake quizzes as many times as they need.

On Assignments, students can revise and resubmit their assignments to try for a better grade. They can use the Ask the Teacher link to request additional feedback and direction. Another way to get additional support is to sign up for tutoring sessions.

Other accommodations that we can provide when they re indicated in a student’s IEP or 504 documentation are extended time for tests and test retakes.

We cannot eliminate, excuse, or omit any part of the course or modify/reduce/chunk any assignments or tests. Our LMS, accreditations, and approvals prevent these actions.

Policy for the Retention of Student Records

Student records are kept in digital format and are retained by SVHS for a period of at least ten years. Transcripts are issued by SVHS upon the student’s request when submitted on the Request a Transcript web page. SVHS can provide oral or written confirmation of registration, enrollment, or graduation status.

In the unlikely event that SVHS were to discontinue operations, the digital student records will be transferred to another school or organization that is capable of holding them and releasing them to authenticated students. The school or organization that takes over this responsibility may charge the student a fee for its services.

Policy for Disclosure of Student Records

SVHS is committed to the privacy and security of our students. Generally, SVHS will not disclose personally identifiable information from your education records unless you request a transcript. The most common exceptions to these disclosure restrictions are to school officials with a legitimate educational interest, including university and high school faculty or staff. Click here for more information on the SVHS Privacy Policy. 

Academic Integrity Policy

All students must do their own work. It is okay to study with other students, but students must answer their own quizzes/tests/final and create their own assignments and labs.

  • Doing research is highly encouraged and often required, but students must digest the information and then write it in their own words. Students must not copy text from another author unless they’re quoting them for only 1-4 sentences, then credit all authors using in-text citations and a Works Cited page in MLA format.
  • In foreign language courses, using an online translator is not permitted for the assignments. Students must write in the language using vocabulary they learned in the course.

It is considered a violation of our Academic Integrity Policy to submit someone else’s work, give another student work or answers, copy or cheat in any way, or engage in any other type of plagiarism. All students must perform and create all their own coursework.

All assignment submissions go through the a Plagiarism Checker to ensure that the student is submitting original work. The teacher will review the Similarity Report to see where any similarities come from. If the similarity comes from another student’s work, then the SVHS administrator and the supervising teacher/counselor at the students’ school will be notified. If the similarity comes from the Internet, the teacher will review the Works Cited page of the assignment. Depending on the percent of similarity and the completeness of the Work Cited page, the student and their supervising teacher will be informed, and clear directions will be given as to the steps the student must take to receive credit for the assignment.

Copying text generated by an AI/GPT system and submitting it as one’s own work in an assignment without disclosing the use of AI is a violation of our Academic Integrity Policy. The use of AI-generated text in an assignment is only acceptable when the assignment specifically requests the use of an AI system, and the student discloses the use of such a system and identifies the generated text accordingly.

Consequences for the violation of our academic integrity policy include: removal from SVHS courses without credit, as well as any ramifications from the policies of the student’s own school of record.

A student found beyond reasonable doubt to be responsible for one or more acts of this academic integrity policy will be dismissed and unenrolled from the course or entire program. Transcripts previously issued to such student will be revoked. The student’s account will be disabled. Dismissal will act as notice of cancellation and withdrawal from such course and will trigger the SVHS Refund Procedures.

Policy on Third Party Submissions

Students must refrain from submitting any SVHS assignments or materials to external websites or platforms, including CourseHero.com. Such actions are considered violations of our academic integrity policy. For avoidance of doubt, a student who submits an essay to a third party website or publisher is in violation of our academic integrity policy.

Abusive, Harassing or Unreasonable Behavior

SVHS will dismiss a student from a course in the event that SVHS teachers or staff receive abusive, harassing or unreasonable communications with the student, the student’s parent, guardian, counselor, tutor or other representative.  Dismissal from the course triggers the SVHS Refund Procedures. SVHS management has sole discretion to decide what behavior is deemed abusive, harassing or unreasonable.

Lost Work Investigation Policy

Any student who claims that he/she has submitted work that was lost by the SVHS system will be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated. The following facts should be considered before initiating a Lost Work Investigation:

  • The SVHS system deploys the Moodle learning management system, which has so far experienced more than 995 million course enrollments by more than 197 million students in more than 150,000 schools. Moodle does not have a track record of losing student work, and any such “bug” would have a widespread impact on the Moodle community. The Moodle community consists of thousands of software developers, each with a keen interest in the integrity of the Moodle system.
  • After serving thousands of students with tens of thousands of courses, no student work has ever found to have been lost by the SVHS system.
  • When a student submits an assignment on the SVHS system, an email is sent to the teacher and to the student. This email trail represents a separate and independent record from the Moodle system.
  • When a student submits an assignment on the SVHS system, it is processed by a third-party plagiarism company that checks if the assignment, or if any part of it, have been seen before. If an assignment has been submitted to the SVHS system once, when it is submitted for a second time, it will show a 100% plagiarism score.  This third-party plagiarism system acts as an independent confirmation that an assignment has been submitted.
  • The SVHS system logs all the activity of the student, recording the date and time the student performs any action in the system, together with the IP address and other information.  This log file tracks when students take quizzes, submit assignments, take finals, and records this data against the student’s account.
  • The SVHS system is backed up daily, and backups are retained indefinitely. The backups represent snapshots of all activity to date in the SVHS system, including logs and records of all student’s progress through all their courses.
  • Video conference sessions, such as those used in the conversational language courses, are recorded and archived. We are able to review video sessions.

If you would like to initiate a Lost Work Investigation, please complete this form and please submit the copies of the email messages the student received when submitting the lost assignment.  Also, please provide us with copies of the lost assignments.

A Lost Work Investigation involves the following activities:

  • Checking the student logs and grade books in the SVHS system.
  • Checking the independent email records confirming the assignment was submitted.
  • Checking the independent plagiarism system to verify that the assignment has been submitted previously. A 100% plagiarism score would indicate that the assignment has indeed been submitted previously, and will show which student originally submitted such assignment.
  • Where necessary, reviewing the video conference session video recordings.
  • Checking backup copies of the SVHS system to investigate if there are any differences or discrepancies that would indicate that data has been lost.
  • Investigating the evidence provided by the student that work was submitted and subsequently lost and corroborating this evidence with the various records and systems.

If it is discovered that the student’s claim of lost work is unfounded and the claim was made as a result of the student failing to complete the work, the filing of the Lost Work Investigation will be deemed unethical conduct triggering the unethical conduct policy.

Unethical Conduct Policy

SVHS will suspend a student that has been found, by a preponderance of the evidence, to have acted unethically, and SVHS will not provide a transcript or course credits for such a student.

Examples of unethical conduct include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Making false claims to have completed coursework that was never completed.
  • Falsifying a transcript or other documentation.
  • Making false claims to have attended video conference sessions when video recordings of the sessions and or other evidence proves otherwise.
  • Making false claims about teachers, staff or other students.
  • Submitting work that was copied from another student, or elsewhere, and falsely claiming it as your own.

Technical Requirements

As SVHS courses are delivered online, you will require an Internet-connected PC, Mac or another device providing Internet access (“PC”). As the materials contain a number of videos, your PC and Internet connection should be of sufficient speed to play streaming videos.

The SVHS platform supports the current version and the 2 previous major releases of the browsers listed below on a rolling basis:

Google Chrome.
Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE).
Microsoft Edge.
Mozilla Firefox.

The SVHS platform supports the current version and the 2 previous major releases of the operating systems listed below on a rolling basis:

Apple Mac OS.
Microsoft Windows.
Google Chrome.

Processor Minimum Requirements: Any 2 GHz dual core processor or greater.

Internet Connection Bandwidth: At least 2 mbps upload and at least 4 mbps download speed.

Access to YouTube videos: All SVHS courses incorporate video materials from YouTube. Students need to have Internet connections that are not prevented from accessing YouTube due to firewalls and other restrictions. 

YouTube or Google Drive account: Many courses include assignments that require students to create and submit video content. Therefore, students must have the ability to upload videos to YouTube, Google Drive, or another video-sharing platform and be able to share the video links as part of their submissions.

Method of Instruction

SVHS adopts a method of instruction involving self-paced courses comprising video and audio recordings, online readings and online quizzes, unit tests and finals.

Notice Concerning Transferability Of Credits And Credentials Earned

The transferability of credits you earn at SVHS is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the credits that you earn at SVHS is not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after taking SVHS courses to determine if your SVHS credits will transfer.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

Many of the SVHS courses have been approved by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Those approved courses are available on the SVHS course catalog page and on the NCAA website. NCAA has a policy of approving only certain types of core academic courses, so some electives and other courses are not eligible for NCAA approval.

Recording & Archiving of Video Conference Sessions

For security purposes, all video conference sessions held with students are automatically recorded, date stamped and archived.  This applies to tutoring sessions, conversational Spanish and all other sessions on SVHS’s Zoom videoconferencing platform.

Suicide Prevention Link

If any student, or anyone, is at risk of suicide, please refer them as soon as possible to this link:

  • http://suicideprevention.nv.gov/Suicide-Prevention/

Safe Sun Exposure

Students should possess and self-administer sunscreen and wear clothing outdoors that helps protect them from exposure to the sun.

Fire Procedures

As all students, teachers and staff work online from their own homes, the American Red Cross advice for families is adopted by the School:

  • Acquire a fire extinguisher. Learn how to safely operate the fire extinguisher.
  • Remember to GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL 9-1-1 or your local emergency phone number.
  • Yell “Fire!” several times and go outside right away. If you live in a building with elevators, use the stairs. Leave all your things where they are and save yourself.
  • If closed doors or handles are warm or smoke blocks your primary escape route, use your second way out. Never open doors that are warm to the touch.
  • If you must escape through smoke, get low and go under the smoke to your exit. Close doors behind you.
  • If smoke, heat or flames block your exit routes, stay in the room with doors closed. Place a wet towel under the door and call the fire department or 9-1-1 or your local emergency phone number. Open a window and wave a brightly colored cloth or flashlight to signal for help.
  • Once you are outside, go to your meeting place and then send one person to call the fire department. If you cannot get to your meeting place, follow your family emergency communication plan.

Statement of Assurance that students will be admitted to the private school without regard to race

Silicon Valley High School affirms that:


  • We welcome students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all programs.

  • We do not discriminate based on these factors in our educational policies, admissions, or scholarships.

  • Our admissions process assesses each applicant solely on individual merit, regardless of race.

  • We are dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment.


This policy complies with all applicable laws and regulations.


NRS 394.170  Drills to instruct pupils in appropriate procedures to be followed in event of lockdown or emergency; regulations of State Fire Marshal; posting of section; enforcement; penalty.

1.  The authorities in charge of every private school within this State shall provide drills for the pupils in the schools at least once in each month during the school year to instruct those pupils in the appropriate procedures to be followed in the event of a lockdown, fire or other emergency. Not more than two of the drills provided pursuant to this subsection may include instruction in the appropriate procedures to be followed in the event of a chemical explosion, related emergencies and other natural disasters. At least one-half of the drills provided pursuant to this subsection must include instruction in the appropriate procedures to be followed in the event of a lockdown.

2.  In all cities or towns, the drills required by subsection 1 must be approved by the chief of the fire department of the city or town, if the city or town has a regularly organized, paid fire department or voluntary fire department.

3.  The State Fire Marshal shall prescribe general regulations governing the drills required by subsection 1 and shall, with the cooperation of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, arrange for the supervision of drills in schools.

4.  A copy of this section must be kept posted in every classroom of every private school by the principal or teacher in charge thereof.

5.  The principal, teacher or other person in charge of each school building shall cause the provisions of this section to be enforced.

6.  Any violation of the provisions of this section is a misdemeanor.

7.  As used in this section, “lockdown” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 388.2343.

[463:32:1956]—(NRS A 1967, 1097; 1993, 113; 2001, 1334; 2007, 190; 2017, 2732)

Website Terms of Use Policies

You agree to abide by all the SVHS Website Terms of Use policies.

Silicon Valley High School, Inc.

Silicon Valley High School, Inc. does not have a pending petition in bankruptcy, is not operating as a debtor in possession, has not filed a petition within the preceding five years, and has never had a petition in bankruptcy filed against it within the preceding five years that resulted in reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C. Sec. 1101 et seq.).

promotional policy disclosure

By enrolling in SVHS, the student and parent/guardian authorize the school to include the student’s name, likeness, and academic/extracurricular achievements in the school’s Hall of Fame, which may be used for SVHS promotional purposes. This authorization extends beyond the student’s enrollment period and includes the right to use such information after the student has graduated or left the school. This provision applies equally to all students, including those who may become public figures or achieve notoriety in their athletic, academic, or professional careers. The school reserves the right to continue using authorized information for promotional purposes regardless of a student’s future public status or fame.


If you are unsure of any of the terms used to describe our programs, please contact us. We will be happy to clarify.
“$”—Unless otherwise stated, all prices are in US dollars.
“Credit”—refers to an SVHS academic unit. The credits for a course are calculated by estimating the number of hours of self-paced study.
“Academic Dishonesty”—refers to any immoral way of achieving a goal associated with an SVHS course or program. Examples of academic dishonesty include: Plagiarism: The adoption or reproduction of original creations of another author (person, collective, organization, community or other type of author, including anonymous authors) without due acknowledgment; Fabrication: The falsification of data, information, or citations in any formal academic exercise; Deception: Providing false information to an instructor concerning a formal academic exercise—e.g., giving a false excuse for missing a deadline or falsely claiming to have submitted work; Cheating: Any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise (like an examination) without due acknowledgment; Bribery: or paid services; Giving assignment answers or test answers for money; Sabotage: Acting to prevent others from completing their work; Professorial misconduct: Professorial acts that are academically fraudulent equate to academic fraud and/or grade fraud; Impersonation: assuming a student’s identity with intent to provide an advantage for the student.
“Education records”—refers to records directly related to a student maintained by SVHS or by a party acting for SVHS.


If you have any questions on these policies, please contact us.

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