Intro to Programming Java, Part 1 - Silicon Valley High School

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Price: $125 | Credits: One Semester | Dept: Science (Interdisciplinary) | Course ID# 272-1

In this course, students will learn how to write their first Java program. The course covers program design, variables, expressions and operator declarations, the use of primitive and reference types and other data structures, control structures and operations. No previous knowledge of programming is required for this course but we recommend students are at the Algebra 2 level of math as many mathematical concepts are used in programming. Introduction to Programming Java is approved by the University of California A-G as an interdisciplinary Science – Computer (category D). It can be used as an additional science (i.e., third year and beyond).

Upon completion of this course, the student is awarded 5 credits. Each credit corresponds to 15 hours of study. Of course, some students work more quickly than others, and some can devote more hours to study, so some students are able to complete the course in an accelerated rate.


In this module, students will learn:

  • The importance of learning how to code, the different programming etiquettes and techniques.
  • How to download, install and set up the Java development kit (JDK) and the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE).
  • The concepts behind the commonly used number systems.
  • The correct order of precedence of common mathematical operators.
  • How to formulate and draw a program flow chart that represents a program flow.
  • How to code, compile, debug and execute simple Java programs.
  • To demonstrate the use of variables, expressions, comments and assignment operators in Java.
  • To create code that uses common programming constructs such as the string object, methods, control structures.


This course covers the following topics:

  • Program Design
  • Number Systems and Logic
  • Basic Java Syntax
  • Java Operators
  • Java Control Structures
Intro into Java Programming Part 1 the First Semester of the Course for $125
Course Details:
• One Semester Credit: $125
• First Semester of Intro to Programming - Java
NCAA: No (NCAA only approves Core Courses)