How to write up a lab report
For this lab science course, you will be expected to conduct experiments and write up a lab report. The video below provides detailed information about how to write up a lab report. Each part of the lab report is covered, so you will have a good understanding of what the teacher’s expectations are. The video also discusses what a hypothesis is and how to write one. It covers independent and dependent variables, what they are, and how they affect an experiment. These are key science concepts you need to understand. Watch this video before you start working on labs.
All assignments should be uniquely created by you, typed, and written in complete sentences with proper grammar.
Course Completion
The final is not available until all assignments and labs have been graded. Once you have completed the final, the course is over, and you can generate your course completion record. Therefore, all assignments must be graded for the final course grade to be accurate. Teachers grade most weekdays but are not required to grade on weekends or holidays.
Tips & Recommendations!
- Complete each unit before moving on in the course. Do the unit assignment and labs before you take the unit test.
- All labs and assignments are required and will need to meet the requirements in the instructions to be graded. An incomplete assignment will not be graded, it will be reverted back to draft. The teacher will leave you feedback and instruct you to complete your work and resubmit it for grading. Always read the assignment instructions thoroughly (maybe even take notes) and review the grading rubric before beginning the assignment.
- Remember, at the end of the semester, grading turnaround times are longer!! Allow at least 7 school days for an assignment to be graded.
- If you need to resubmit an assignment, use the Ask the Teacher link to request the specific unit assignment be reverted to draft. Be sure to submit all of your revisions before starting the final.
- Need help? Use the “Ask the Teacher” to ask any question. Don’t make requests in the comments section of your assignment after it has been graded. The teacher won’t see them. All communications with the teacher should be through the Ask the Teacher link.
- Struggling with the course? Use our tutors. Book one tutoring session to get you back on track, or book a series to help you through the course.
- Stay on track; use the Suggested Timeline provided at the top of the course. If your school has a deadline, then it is best you submit your last assignment 2 weeks before the deadline. Â