Do Children Learn More at Home? | Silicon Valely HS

Do Children Learn More at Home?

Students all over the world are having to adjust to missing school as a result of the global pandemic. Many schools have completely shut down for the rest of the year, some opting for virtual learning. These closures may even go on for longer than anyone thought they would. This has sent many people into a state of worry, wondering if children will suffer academically due to this prolonged separation from a traditional classroom setting. Many fear it will set back this current generation of young learners.

It is important during this time to focus on the positive as opposed to the negative aspects of this difficult time. It’s easy to look at all of the bad things brought on by the pandemic and be discouraged by them, however, there is so much room for an all-new, exciting, and rewarding ways of learning this school year. Taking a break from what is traditional could prove to be a very good thing for families and their children. Parents have a unique opportunity to bond with their child during school hours, something that wouldn’t normally happen. Children are given the freedom to learn in a more relaxed and non-stressful setting, which will allow them to absorb more information.

Due to these circumstances, school districts have less control than they ever have which gives parents the chance to step up and take charge when it comes to their child’s education. With so many tools and resources readily available online, parents have everything they need to help their students thrive remotely. There are online curriculums, unique learning tools, self-directed learning resources, and so much more. Being able to learn at home as opposed to in a classroom full of students, children receive the one-on-one attention they so rarely receive as well as plenty of room to branch out and discover new things about the world and about themselves.

Did you know that many museums offer virtual tours? This is a great educational resource. There are also free classes that teach intriguing subjects, fun educational games, and if you have a webcam, students can have online study sessions with their peers. Technology has come a very long way and it continues to expand and grow each day. With top-tier tech at their disposal and a relaxing home environment, it is no doubt that children can excel while remote learning.

Many people are worried about the children and their educational wellbeing, however, with everything that is available to both students and their parents, homeschooling is shaping up to be a rewarding change for everyone involved. Children adapt well to change, and they thrive when given the space and the encouragement to learn at their own pace instead of being forced to keep up even when there is something they don’t understand.

Homeschooling works, and it is effective. Children learn more at home because they have the extra room to do so. Traditional school settings are so structured that they often unintentionally squander creativity and alternative methods of problem-solving and test-taking. When learning from home, children are able to adjust their school process to fit what works for them on a personal level.