Programs Guide - Silicon Valley High School

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Programs Guide

Silicon Valley High School is an AI software-driven accredited school powering a digital revolution in secondary education. SVHS publishes a catalog of supplemental online courses and powers other schools across with its private labeled learning management system and its online curriculum of more than 60 video-based, self-paced, teacher-supported courses. Here at SVHS we’ve been busy building a next-generation curriculum of courses that can be adopted and used by schools of various types under various scenarios.

Supplemental Program

Students directly enroll in courses through our online course catalog. These courses are supported and graded by SVHS credentialed teachers. SVHS is the school of record issuing the official transcript. An arms-length relationship, the partner school simply refers students to SVHS and then transfers the credits from the SVHS official transcript onto its own transcript. High school counselors across the US are now referring students to SVHS for summer school and supplemental courses.
  • Price: $125 Per Course (5 Credits/0.5 Carnegie Hours).
  • Delivered by: Silicon Valley High School.
  • Enrollment: By credit card on SVHS ecommerce website.
  • Teachers: SVHS credentialed teachers.
  • AI Grading: AI provides teachers with suggested grades & feedback.
  • Learning Management System: SVHS LMS at
  • Branding: Silicon Valley High School.
  • School of Record: Silicon Valley High School.
  • Official Transcripts: From Silicon Valley High School.
  • Accreditation: Cognia & WASC.
  • College Board (CEEB) Code: 290023.
  • UC A-G: All courses approved on SVHS school course list.
  • NCAA: All relevant courses approved by NCAA.
  • State Licensing: Nevada Department of Education.
  • Student Support: Provided by educators in the SVHS customer service team.
  • High School Diploma: From student’s main school. Not from SVHS..

AlwaysOnline Curriculum

SVHS provides the partner school with its own private labeled learning management system (LMS) that looks and feels like an extension of the partner school’s own website. School-branded mobile apps are also available. Students are enrolled by the partner school, after purchasing “seats” for a number of courses. The partner school acts as the school of record, awarding grades and issuing the official transcript. Under this arrangement, SVHS acts somewhat like a textbook publisher, providing course materials to the partner school, however the SVHS curriculum is delivered in a private labeled LMS, with 24×7 customer service for students. Schools can quickly leap to the forefront of the digital education revolution with their own LMS and mobile apps by adopting the AlwaysOnline Curriculum.
  • Price: Volume pricing available on request.
  • Delivered by: Partner School.
  • Enrollment: By seat-based license.
  • Teachers: Partner school’s own teachers.
  • AI Grading: AI provides teachers with suggested grades & feedback.
  • Learning Management System: Private label LMS on domain.
  • Branding: Partner school’s own logo and color scheme.
  • School of Record: Partner school is the school of record.
  • Official Transcripts: From partner school.
  • Accreditation: Partner school’s accreditation.
  • College Board (CEEB) Code: Partner school’s CEEB code.
  • UC A-G: All courses approved on SVHS school course list.
  • NCAA Approval: Responsibility of partner school.
  • State Licensing: Partner school’s state licensing.
  • Student Support: Provided by educators in the SVHS customer service team.
  • High School Diploma: From partner school, not SVHS.

SVHS Online Curriculum

SVHS credentialed teachers grade and supplement the teaching by the partner school’s own teaching staff. While SVHS teachers are able to award grades, the partner school is the school of record, awarding the official transcript under this hybrid arrangement. The LMS can be branded as SVHS or carry the partner schools’ logo and color scheme. The enrollment process can be by seat license or purchase order. This is for schools who want an online curriculum and to issue their own transcripts but with the grading and support of SVHS credentialed teachers.
  • Price: $125 Per Course (5 Credits/0.5 Carnegie Hours).
  • Delivered by: Partner school supported by SVHS credentialed teachers.
  • Enrollment: By seat-based license or purchase order.
  • Teachers: SVHS teachers supporting partner school’s own teachers.
  • AI Grading: AI provides teachers with suggested grades & feedback.
  • Learning Management System: Either SVHS LMS on or private label LMS on domain.
  • Branding: Either SVHS or partner school’s own logo and color scheme.
  • School of Record: Partner school is the school of record.
  • Official Transcripts: From partner school.
  • Accreditation: Separate from its accreditation as a school, SVHS is accredited by WASC as a Supplementary Education Center/Program (“SEP”) where SVHS supports a partner school, which also normally has its own accreditation as the school of record.
  • College Board (CEEB) Code: partner school’s CEEB code.
  • UC A-G: All Courses Approved on SVHS School Course List.
  • NCAA Approval: Responsibility of partner school.
  • State Licensing: Partner school’s state licensing.
  • Student Support: Provided by educators in the SVHS customer service team.
  • High School Diploma: From partner school, not SVHS..

Teacher Shortage Program

SVHS provides plug-and-play courses in subject areas where schools are experiencing teacher shortages. These courses are fully supported by SVHS credentialed teachers, allowing partner schools to offer classes they might otherwise have to cancel. The partner school maintains oversight and control of enrolled students, while SVHS handles content delivery, instruction, and student support. This program offers a cost-effective solution to permanent teacher vacancies, ensuring continuity in student learning.
  • Price: $125 Per Course (5 Credits/0.5 Carnegie Hours).
  • Delivered by: SVHS with partner school oversight.
  • Enrollment: By purchase order or seat-based license.
  • Teachers: SVHS credentialed teachers.
  • AI Grading: AI provides teachers with suggested grades & feedback.
  • Learning Management System: Either SVHS LMS at or private label LMS on domain.
  • Branding: Either SVHS or partner school’s own logo and color scheme.
  • School of Record: Partner school is the school of record.
  • Official Transcripts: From partner school.
  • Accreditation: Separate from its accreditation as a school, SVHS is accredited by WASC as a Supplementary Education Center/Program (“SEP”) where SVHS supports a partner school, which also normally has its own accreditation as the school of record.
  • College Board (CEEB) Code: Partner school’s CEEB code.
  • UC A-G: All Courses approved on SVHS school course list.
  • NCAA Approval: Responsibility of partner school.
  • State Licensing: Partner school’s state licensing.
  • Student Support: Provided by educators in the SVHS customer service team.
  • High School Diploma: From partner school, not SVHS.

Homeschooling Program

We suggest homeschoolers enroll their students in our Supplemental Program so they can earn official transcripts from Silicon Valley High School. However, homeschoolers can choose to simply use our course materials as reference materials, like digital textbooks. Either way, they get to ask questions of SVHS teachers and are supported by SVHS AI bots (when available).

SVHS Full-Time Diploma Program

This full-time online program is for teenage students, under the age of 18 in most states, but under 19 in some states such as Texas. A rigorous registration process is required whereby students engage directly as full-time students of Silicon Valley High School. SVHS acts as the school of record, issuing official transcripts and ultimately issuing the high school diploma when the graduation requirements are met.
  • Price: $250 Enrollment, $1,800/Semester Tuition and $300 Graduation Fees.
  • SVHS Credits Required For Graduation: 55
  • Minimum Credits Student Must Take Each Semester: 20 credits to quality for full-time status.
  • Maximum Credits Student Can Take in One Semester: 40–this equates to eight 5-credit courses.
  • Time Commitment: Regulated by state truancy regulations. Minimum 20 credits taken and minimum 15 credits passed each semester.
  • Delivered by: Silicon Valley High School.
  • Enrollment: Requires Application Process, Registration & Enrollment Agreement.
  • Teachers: SVHS credentialed teachers.
  • AI Grading: AI provides teachers with suggested grades & feedback.
  • Learning Management System: SVHS LMS at
  • Branding: Silicon Valley High School.
  • School of Record: Silicon Valley High School.
  • Official Transcripts: From Silicon Valley High School.
  • Accreditation: Cognia & WASC.
  • College Board (CEEB) Code: 290023.
  • UC A-G: All courses approved on SVHS School Course List.
  • NCAA: All relevant courses approved by the NCAA.
  • State Licensing: Nevada Department of Education.
  • Student Support: Provided by educators in the SVHS customer service team.
  • High School Diploma: Yes. Diploma issued by SVHS.

SVHS Full-Time Diploma Program

This is the same as the Full-Time Diploma Program except the adult student is not subject to state truancy regulations, and the student has more flexibility as to study schedule but an adult student must be enrolled in at least two (5 credit) courses (total 10 credits), each semester and must complete at least one course per semester.

International Dual Diploma Program

Under this arrangement, SVHS partners with schools and educators to enable students in other countries to earn a US high school diploma from SVHS online, while also earning a diploma from their local school at the same time. SVHS acts as the school of record, providing official transcripts for certain courses, including English, US History and US Government while the overseas partner school issues transcripts for Math, Science and other subjects. Enrolment is handled primarily by the partner schools but SVHS diploma program educators are heavily involved.
  • Price: Please inquire. Supporting international students involves transferring international transcripts upon registration, verifying that graduation requirements are met and inter-school administration.
  • Time Commitment: Subject to the requirements of the overseas partner school.
  • Delivered by: Silicon Valley High School in conjunction with the partner school.
  • Enrollment: requires registration & enrollment agreement with partner school & SVHS
  • Teachers: SVHS credentialed teachers for SVHS courses, and partner school teachers.
  • AI Grading: AI provides teachers with suggested grades & feedback
  • Learning Management System: SVHS LMS at or cobranded LMS with partner school
  • Branding: Silicon Valley High School or cobranded with partner school and cobranding with partner school.
  • School of Record: Silicon Valley High School for US courses, partner school is school of record for its own local courses.
  • Official Transcripts: From Silicon Valley High School for US colleges. Partner school can also provide their own transcript. Each school merges the transcript from its partner school onto its own transcript.
  • Accreditation: Cognia & WASC for SVHS. Partner school has its own local accreditation. for SVHS. Partner school has its own accreditation.
  • College Board (CEEB) Code: SVHS Missouri CEEB Code 408936
  • State: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. This program goes through our Missouri school, not Las Vegas.
  • Student Support: First line support provided by partner school. Further support delivered by educators in the SVHS customer service team
  • High School Diploma: Yes. US Diploma Issued by SVHS. Partner school issues an additional local high school diploma. The student earns two diplomas concurrently under this program. Local diploma issued by partner school.