Computers and IT, Part 1 - Silicon Valley High School

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Price: $125 | Credits: One Semester | Dept: Elective | Course ID# 276-1

This is the first semester in Computers & I.T. This course introduces students to today’s modern technology concepts on computers, devices, and the Internet. It covers the concepts of digital citizenship, productivity tools, communication and collaboration tools, and cyberspace and cybersecurity. Computers & I.T. is approved by the University of California A-G as an Elective (category G).

Upon completion of this course, the student is awarded 5 credits. Each credit corresponds to 15 hours of study. Of course, some students work more quickly than others, and some can devote more hours to study, so some students are able to complete the course in an accelerated rate.


In this module, students gain a comprehension of the following:

  • An understanding of the evolution and history of computers, the internet, and information technology. 
  • The importance of information technology in our lives.
  • To be a digital citizen acquiring skills and knowledge to safely, effectively, and responsibly use the internet.
  • Build media literacy skills to evaluate the accuracy of information found online, understand online privacy practices, and anti-cyberbullying strategies.
  • How search engines work.
  • How to identify and access credible sources.
  • How to use productivity tools, such as spreadsheets, wordprocessing, presentation software, and utilize online tools.
  • The different communication and collaboration tools for chatting, video conferencing, and online etiquette.
  • An understanding of cloud services and storage.
  • The personal, ethical, and economic significance of cybersecurity.
  • Cybersecurity tools to avoid being hacked and the different types of hacking.
  • An understanding of the social engineering techniques used to trick people into revealing confidential information.


This course covers the following topics:

  • The Computer Evolution
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Productivity Tools
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Cybersecurity
Course Details:
• One Semester Credit: $125
• First Semester of Computers & I.T.