Introverted Thinking Vs Extroverted Thinking
Each individual thinker has a unique style and thought process that is based upon their personality type. According to the Myers Briggs personality theory, there are two main types – introverted thinking (Ti) and extroverted thinking (Te). Introverted thinkers seek logic and consistency within their internal framework in order to solve problems and come to conclusions. Extroverted thinkers also seek logic and consistency, but from the world around them instead. This post will highlight the unique characteristics and personality types that come with of each type of thinking. At the end we will address how both types of students can benefit from the world of remote learning while in high school.
Extroverted Thinking
It is a thought process that relies on external rules. There are four preferred functions/personality types for Te users. ENTJ’s and ESTJ’s are the most dominant types. They typically are in positions of leadership because of their excellent organizational skills and drive. ENTJ’s and ESTJ’s are able to articulate how a process happened and why it happened the way it did. The second preferred functions are INTJ’s and ISTJ’s. They utilize extroverted thinking as an auxiliary function to support their dominant areas; introverted intuition and extroverted sensing. ESFP’s and ENFP’s (third preferred functions), and INFP’s and ISFP’s (fourth preferred functions) are able to understand extroverted thinking tendencies, however, they are not able to fully utilize them. The third and fourth tiers rely on introverted feeling to balance their inner selves with the outer world.
Despite the fact that these users have a focus on external rules, the majority of Te users are very likely to challenge any set rules, particularly if they do not align with what the user deems as logical. Extroverted thinking involves categorization and these thinkers place labels on people and things around them. They have a strong desire to be organized and logical at all times and they are very effective at getting people to work as a unit to accomplish a task. They focus on what needs to be done and what the most logical thought process is to accomplish their goals.
Introverted Thinking
As a thought process focuses on internal rules, Ti users also strive to maintain logic and consistency, except from within. ISTP’s and INTP’s are the preferred functions and personality types for Ti users. ISTP’s like to take the lead in a situation, while INTP’s prefer to remain in the background. This type of person is able to explain how and why something happened. ESTP’s and ENTP’s (second preferred) use introverted thinking as an auxiliary function that supports their dominant areas; extroverted intuition and extroverted sensing. ISFJ’s and INFJ’s are the third preferred functions while ESFJ’s and ENFJ’s are the fourth. These last two tiers of introverted thinking, since they are so far removed, focus more on extroverted feeling. They are very skilled at not only tackling difficult issues, but also considering how a solution could affect those who are involved.
Ti users will often be described as those who like to take elements apart and break things down in order to fully understand how their process works. Introverted thinking involves looking at all sides of a dilemma in order to spot any weak points. If any are found, the thinker is able to quickly come to a solution for the issue. This users are often some of the most successful scientists and inventors due to their unique ability to break down complex concepts and come to a resolution that is not only effective in practice, but also beneficial for society as a whole.
Introverted Thinking Vs Extroverted Thinking
Te and Ti users have different approaches when it comes to thinking. Extroverted thinkers focus on the outer world, and introverted thinkers focus on finding balance within their internal framework. The most dominant functions for extroverted thinking are the ENTJ’s and ESTJ thinking functions. In regard to introverted thinking, the dominant functions are ISTP’s and INTP’s. The commonality is that they are each able to explain processes and locate the “why.” Each personality type has its own dominant and sometimes auxiliary functions. ESTP’s and ENTP’s for example (the second preferred type) use introverted thinking as an auxiliary function that supports their dominant areas; extroverted intuition and extroverted sensing.
Extroverted thinkers are effective organizers. Te users thrive when they are able to turn their thought process into a visual presentation such as a flow chart, graph, or table. They prefer to have a plan or a schedule for everything and are excellent at communicating their points through visual means. Introverted thinkers are excellent communicators. Ti users are very comfortable presenting a project without any notes and minimal preparation. They have strong memories and can rely on this when delivering important information. Introverted thinkers are able to articulate their point and organize important comparisons or distinctions without a physical reference point.
How Online School Helps Te and Ti Users
Each student has a different thought process that determines how they come to certain conclusions. Extroverted thinking and introverted thinking display their traits differently and sometimes students might find themselves having a difficult time keeping up in a particular area due to the differing personality types between them and their peers.
In a regular class setting environment, unlike Te users, Ti users usually struggle to ask questions to the teachers when they doubt about something that is being explained in class. Online high school is great for all types of thinkers and there is no need for students to worry about falling behind. In a regular class setting, it is very common for students to get left behind. The ability to start, stop, rewind and revisit lessons at your convenience helps to eliminate this issue for Silicon Valley High School students. At Silicon Valley High School, we have a special messaging system where you can privately message your teacher at any time and have your questions answered as regularly as you need.
Online learning is self-paced so students can adjust their learning frequency to fit their needs. Not to mention, students who wish to get ahead don’t need to wait for anyone. Online high school is a great choice for students who perhaps struggle to keep up in a traditional school setting and wish to adapt their studies to their unique learning style. No matter what a student’s personality type is, they will find their place in online high school.