Online High School Courses - Course Catalog - Silicon Valley High School

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Affordable Price: 5 Credits: $125 | 10 Credits: $190

Silicon Valley High School provides students enrolled in high school or home school with innovative, relevant and compelling online high school courses. Jump ahead or catch up on credits for graduation.

Courses are designed to meet the common core curriculum. Course sections are mapped to the relevant academic standards. All of our online high school courses are supported by experienced, credentialed teachers who answer questions, grade assignments and provide guidance and feedback online. 

Courses are self-paced to accommodate each student’s needs. With SVHS, students work at their own speed and have the ability to complete their online high school courses in time for graduation. They are available online 365 days a year, start at any time.

Courses in Development
Integrated Math 2
Spanish 3
Environmental Science

Course Information
Price: 5 credit course $125; 10 credit course $190.
Course Syllabus: available for each course.
Enroll Anytime: first create an SVHS account.

Check with your school to see if they will accept our courses.

NCAA Approvals
Silicon Valley High School is approved by the NCAA. 

  = Courses NCAA approved.